2010年3月31日 星期三

From Dead to Worse

看我下標就知道這集的二大重點就是狼人大戰以及吸血鬼的政權爭奪啦 ~非常精彩充實的一本,大概是此系列到目前為止我第二喜歡的(第一是Club Dead,不過喜歡的點不同,那集的Eric是極度地性感撩人,魅力指數破表,而這集我喜歡某些情節和某些特殊場景描述)。

11天看完厚實的Book 8 ,大呼過癮!但費時少一半,沒空邊看邊做英文summaries有點小遺憾....所以現在趕快記錄下來以免忘記^o^

其中第11、12章是我最愛的部份,描述Louisiana vampires政權移轉過程。Nevada政權逼迫,Sophie-Anne及許多sheriff被殺,剩Eric和其下屬未投降。由於Shreveport沒安全去處加上擔心與他blood bond的Sookie之安危,Eric再度赤足奔來Sookie家(我始終不懂為何是赤足?在自己Bar裡都不穿鞋的嗎?XD),Bill也來幫忙。Victor,帶著被挾持的Quinn和一些下屬的Nevada代表,來到Sookie家門外,獨自進屋談判,表明Fangtasia和Sookie家同時被包圍,要Eric和Bill投效Nevada King。


簡直就像電影場景呀!!好愛這段的 fu,感覺Eric最後是帶著大難降臨的無可奈何,同時又懷抱一股堅定決心而去開門的。
Eric turned to me, kissed me on the lips very lightly,and looked at my face for a long moment."He'll spare you," Eric said, and I understood he wasn't really talking to me but himself."You're too unique to waste."

And then he opened the door.

  1. Sookie的精靈great-grandfather, Niall出場,說出她fairy血統的由來。
  2. Sookie 和 Eric回家途中遭狼人埋伏,Eric替他擋子彈。
  3. 狼人幫派間遭挑撥且展開大戰,Sam為了保護Sookie,也變身獅子參與了(挺Alcide那幫)。Furnan死,Alcide自宣布為Leader。
  4. Louisiana vampires政權遭外來政權入侵,Eric和Bill遭威脅被迫效忠Nevada King。
  5. Eric告訴Sookie他記憶恢復。
  6. Sookie甩了Quinn。
  7. Sookie因Crystal背叛Jason在外偷吃此舉,而須履行werepanther結婚毒誓,懲罰另一個見證人Calvin Norris,壓斷他至少一根手指。(我真不太能相信Jason城府夠深去安排捉姦計...) 
  8. Sookie意外救了 Nevada King, Felipe de Castro,獲得vamps賜予保護令。
  9. Amelia之witch導師Octavia解開Bob貓咒。
  10. Sookie去見表姐Hadley遺孤,四歲小男孩Hunter竟也是個telepath!
其次,除了之前所提那個彷彿電影般的場景,第17章最後一段我也很喜歡 :
I heaved myself up from the chair, let the umbrella down, and opened the toolshed door, leaning the umbrella against a bench where the man I'd thought was my grandfather had made repairs. I shut the toolshed door, feeling I was shutting summer inside.
譯 : 我從椅子上起身,放下陽傘,打開工具房門,讓傘靠在一張長椅旁,我猜那裏曾經是爺爺作維修的地方。然後關上房門,感覺自己正將一整個夏天也同時關在了裡頭。

最愛最後一句 : shut summer inside用字用得好!有fu。Charlaine寫作常有些鉅細靡遺的描繪,雖然有時略顯瑣碎,但某些真得值得學起來。

另外,這集除了疑惑Jason的城府外,我始終覺得Sookie和Quinn分手的原因有點勉強,雖然Quinn隱藏了一些過去事實沒告訴Sookie,但誰沒秘密呢?其他男人也沒把所有事都說出啊。而親情和愛情又如何放在天平去衡量? But I completely know Sookie's feeling since we have something alike. My dad is just like Quinn, his mom(my grandmother) always comes the first, and I feel our "little family" is not important at all. (But hey, there's a different from the situation of Sookie. The fact is that my grandma ,my mom and I are all dad's families, aren't we?) So in the beginning, I think Sookie is petulant and unreasonable, then I feel I can't blame her anymore.

Another thought 1 : Maybe she just want to find a reason to dump Quinn because she loves Eric more. LOL, I have deep faith in this.

Another thought 2 : Maybe she is jealous because Quinn has mom and sis. Yeah, "jealousy" must be an issue since Quinn loves his families so much and his sis loves him, too. That also makes Sookie think that her only kin is a stupid and immature one. The contrast makes her sad.

難怪Sookie還滿後悔分手,認為自己做了個錯誤決定。不過她也沒去彌補啊,所以thought 1推論可以算正確?還是體內Eric的blood 在做怪,排斥現象?哈哈哈~


